Unbeaded Variation of Mosaic Knitting

I had mentioned previously that beading the slip-stitch Mosaic pattern is optional. So if you are just not into beads or don’t have easy access to them, I do hope you will nevertheless give a try at the Mosaic Basket Weave Hat pattern for this month’s KAL.

In fact, I’ve just extended the KAL period another month so you can get the pattern and still have time to get to knitting for this KAL.

Although I don’t have an unbeaded version of the the Mosaic Basket Weave Hat to show you, I do have a photo of this unbeaded mosaic hat that is a derivative of that same stitch pattern.

Mosaic Diamond Hat (unbeaded)

Mosaic Diamond Hat (unbeaded)

Even without the beads, you can see that there is still of lot of textural and color interest going on compared to the beaded mosaic. In fact, sometimes I like this better, lol.

p.s. For those of you who have the bonus KAL pattern Beaded Diamond Mosaic Ensemble as part of your Premium membership, you will recognize the Diamond Mosaic pattern on the main part of this hat as being the same as in the cuffs of the socks and fingerless mittens ensemble. Basically, in this hat variation, the diamond portion just replaces the basket weave mosaic on the lower crown of the hat, then transitions into the crown decreases just as in the Basket Weave version.

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3 Responses to Unbeaded Variation of Mosaic Knitting

  1. Joan Shayne says:

    Please publish the unleaded version.

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